Annie Dori

Annie Dori

Annie Dori
Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)


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Office Hours + Location


  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 12-9:00pm

Online: Upon Request

Practice Areas


  • Depression & Anxiety
  • Communication
  • Trauma
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Emotional Regulation & Awareness
  • Life Transitions
  • Mindfulness
  • Personal Development
  • Relational Issues
  • Self-Awareness & Self-Esteem
  • Spirituality & Existential Concerns
  • Stress Management and Burnout
  • Work Place Stress
  • LBGTQ+
  • ADHD
  • Grief


  • Dépression et Anxiété
  • Communication
  • Traumatisme
  • Trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT)
  • Régulation émotionnelle et sensibilisation
  • Transitions de vie
  • Pleine Conscience
  • Développement personnel
  • Problèmes relationnels
  • Conscience de soi et estime de soi
  • Spiritualité et Préoccupations Existentielles
  • Gestion du Stress et Burn-out
  • Stress au Travail
  • LBGTQ+
  • TDAH
  • Deuil

Terapia individuale

  • Depressione e ansia;
  • Comunicazione;
  • Trauma;
  • Disturbo post traumatico da stress (PTSD;)
  • Regolazione e consapevolezza emotiva;
  • Cambiamenti nella vita;
  • Consapevolezza;
  • Crescita personale;
  • Problemi relazionali;
  • Autoconsapevolezza e autostima;
  • Spiritualità e preoccupazioni esistenziali;
  • Gestione dello stress e burnout;
  • Stress sul posto di lavoro;
  • LBGTQ+
  • ADHD
  • Lutto


  • Pre-Marital
  • Marital
  • Communication
  • Emotional connection and intimacy
  • Attachment issues
  • Infidelity
  • Couple Dynamics
  • Military Couples
  • ADHD
  • Separation and Transitioning

Thérapie de couple

  • Avant le mariage
  • Conflits Conjugaux
  • Communication
  • Connexion émotionnelle et intimité
  • Problèmes d’attachement
  • Infidélité
  • Dynamique de couple
  • Couples Militaires
  • TDAH
  • Séparation et transition

Terapia di coppia

  • Prematrimoniale;
  • Coniugale;
  • Comunicazione;
  • Connessione emotiva e intimità;
  • Problemi di attaccamento;
  • Infedeltà;
  • Dinamiche di coppia;
  • Coppie militari;
  • ADHD;
  • Separazione e Transizione

Family Therapy

  • Communication
  • Military Families
  • Family Dynamics
  • Family Therapy: Parents and children 12-16+
  • Nuclear families
  • Blended Families
  • Parenting
  • ADHD

Thérapie familiale

  • Communication
  • Familles Militaires
  • Dynamique familiale
  • Familles nucléaires
  • Familles recomposées
  • Aptitudes parentales
  • TDAH

Terapia di famiglia

  • Comunicazione;
  • Famiglie militari;
  • Dinamiche familiari;
  • Nucleo Famigliare;
  • Famiglie riconstituite;
  • Genitorialit;à
  • ADHD

Professional Memberships

  • Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)  – Member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) #14359


My therapeutic approach is humanistic and holistic. I strive to bring a safe and non-judgmental environment for my individual clients, couples and families where they can feel comfortable being themselves and working collaboratively to achieve their goals.

I believe each individual is different, and as a client-centred therapist, my therapy sessions are focused on each individual’s needs.

The therapeutic styles I often use are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Emotional Focused Therapy (EFT), Mindfulness, Solution Focused Therapy, Attachment-Based Therapy, and Humanistic Existential Therapy.

Mon approche thérapeutique est humaniste et holistique. Je m’efforce d’apporter un environnement en sécurité et sans jugement en vers mes clients individuels, couples et familles où ils peuvent se sentir à l’aise d’être eux-mêmes et de travailler en collaboration pour atteindre leurs objectifs.

Je crois que chaque individu est différent, et en tant que thérapeute centré sur le client, mes séances de thérapie sont axées sur les besoins de chaque individu.

Les styles thérapeutiques que j’utilise souvent sont la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale (TCC), la thérapie centrée sur les émotions (EFT), la pleine conscience, la thérapie centrée sur les solutions, la thérapie basée sur l’attachement et la thérapie existentielle humaniste.

Il mio approccio terapeutico è umanistico e olistico. Mi assicuro di creare un ambiente sicuro e non giudicante per i miei clienti individuaie, coppie e famiglie in cui possano sentirsi a proprio agio essendo se stessi e lavorando in modo collaborativo per raggiungere i loro obiettivi.

Credo che ogni individuo sia diverso e, in qualità di terapista concentrato sul cliente, le mie sessioni di terapia sono focalizzate sui bisogni di ogni individuo.

Gli stili terapeutici che uso spesso sono la terapia cognitivo comportamentale (CBT), la terapia focalizzata sulle emozioni (EFT), la consapevolezza, la terapia focalizzata sulla soluzione, la terapia basata sull’attaccamento e la terapia esistenziale umanistica.

Education + Training

  • Master of Art in Counselling and Spirituality – Double specialization in Individual Therapy and Couple and Family Therapy (M.A.)
  • Undergraduate Certificate in Safeguarding Minors and Vulnerable Persons
  • Honours Bachelor in Human Relations and Spirituality (B.A.)
  • Attestations d’études Collégiales en Éducation à l’enfance

I do regular consultation with my supervisor for the ongoing development of my professional and ethical expertise and to discuss client concerns in confidential manner. The receipt you will receive will be in my name as a Registered Psychotherapist in the province of Ontario, which is acceptable by most insurance companies (e.g. Sunlife). It is your responsibility to determine whether my receipt is acceptable for your workplace benefits and insurance.
The regular fee for counselling is $160.00 per session.

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