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Frequently Asked Questions

We provide answers to your most commonly asked questions. If you have additional questions or want to learn more, please contact us.

We recommend that you search counsellors by expertise for the main counselling issue. This gives you a better idea of the counsellor(s) in terms of expertise, availability, office hours, and online/in office.
The regular fee is $160 per 50-minute session. Some fees vary according to the expertise of the counsellor. There are Counselling Interns whose fee is usually $75 and can slide down further as need be.
The number of sessions depends on your situation, your goals, the type of therapy and other factors. Some clients choose to maintain an ongoing counselling relationship, doing a number of sessions at first and then having an occasional session every now & then.
Traditionally, the practice of counselling and therapy has been in-person office sessions. However, technology has changed things - and the sudden onset of the COVID-19 era has changed things even further. Most of our counsellors and therapists now offer online and virtual counselling. The counsellor’s webpage will state if they work in office or online, or both.
Psychotherapy, often known as talk therapy, is a means to support people who are experiencing a wide range of emotional problems and mental illnesses. Psychotherapy can aid in reducing or managing bothersome symptoms, allowing a person to function more efficiently.

Psychotherapy can help with a broad range of issues including impact of trauma, sickness, or loss, as well as specific mental disorders like depression or anxiety. Psychotherapy comes in a variety of forms, and some of them may be more effective for particular issues than others. Medication or other therapies can be combined with psychotherapy.

Therapy can benefit both children and adults and can be provided in an individual, family, couple, or group context. Psychotherapy requires active participation from the patient as well as the therapist. To collaborate effectively and get the rewards of psychotherapy, a trusting relationship with your therapist is needed.

Psychotherapy can be short-term and can be completed in a few sessions to address current problems. It could also be long-term and take months to address more complicated, long-standing problems. Together, the patient and therapist plan the treatment's objectives as well as the details of how frequently and for how long to meet.

And finally, follow your agreed-upon treatment plan, be open and honest, and approach the session as a collaborative effort to help you get the most out of psychotherapy. Such as journaling or putting what you've learned into practise.

Learn more about our Psychotherapy offerings at Capital Choice Counselling here

About Capital Choice Counselling

  • Local Counselling Group in Ottawa
  • Eligible For Insurance Coverage
  • Experienced & Accredited Therapists
  • Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Social Workers, and Counsellors
  • Over 30 locations across Ottawa
  • Serving The Ottawa Area Since 2006

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At Capital Choice Counselling, we have a wide range of expertise and services at our disposal to provide you with excellent Ottawa counselling services.

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Supporting Ottawa Youth

Celebrating 18 Years

In the spirit of celebrating our 12th Anniversary of providing counselling to the citizens of Ottawa region, Capital Choice Counselling wanted to give something back to the community.

Youth love their music and their dance, perhaps as one way to deal with life issues. Capital Choice Counselling understands this and we want to help. We have created a youth scholarship fund for teenagers who want to dance but may not be able to afford it. Scholarships are available to youth attending dance at Capital City Dance in Ottawa. When life issues come to visit you in your teenage years, Capital Choice Counsellors are there to help.