counselling session

The Stages of Counselling – Understanding the Process

Counselling is a process that involves providing emotional support, guidance, and advice to individuals who are facing personal issues and challenges. The process of counselling can be broken down into different stages, each with its unique characteristics and goals.

Understanding these stages is essential for both counsellors and clients to effectively navigate the counselling process and achieve positive outcomes.

Defining Counselling
young woman receiving counselling

Counselling is a collaborative process between a trained professional, known as a counsellor, and an individual seeking guidance and support, known as a client. It aims to help clients explore their thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and gain insight into their problems. Counselling can address a wide range of issues, including relationship difficulties, mental health concerns, personal growth, and life transitions.

The Role and Importance of Counselling

Counselling plays a crucial role in promoting mental well-being and overall emotional health. It provides individuals with a safe and non-judgmental space to express their concerns, fears, and anxieties. By doing so, clients can gain a deeper understanding of themselves, develop coping strategies, and make positive changes in their lives. Counselling also helps clients build resilience, enhance interpersonal relationships, and improve their overall quality of life.

Different Types of Counselling

There are various types of counselling approaches that counsellors may utilize based on the needs and preferences of their clients. Some common types of counselling include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, humanistic therapy, and family therapy. Each approach has its own theoretical foundations and techniques, but the ultimate goal of all counselling types is to support individuals in overcoming challenges and achieving personal growth.

  • Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is one of the most widely used counselling approaches. CBT focuses on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. It helps clients identify and challenge negative thought patterns and replace them with more positive and realistic ones. By doing so, individuals can change their emotional responses and improve their overall well-being.


  • Psychodynamic therapy, on the other hand, delves into the unconscious mind and explores how past experiences and relationships shape an individual’s current thoughts and behaviours. Through this approach, clients gain insight into their unconscious motivations and develop a deeper understanding of themselves.


  • Humanistic therapy emphasizes the importance of self-actualization and personal growth. It focuses on the present moment and encourages clients to explore their feelings, values, and goals. Humanistic therapy aims to help individuals develop a stronger sense of self and live authentically.


  • Family therapy recognizes that individuals are deeply influenced by their family dynamics and relationships. It involves working with the entire family unit to address conflicts, improve communication, and foster healthier relationships. Family therapy can be particularly beneficial when dealing with issues such as marital problems, parenting difficulties, or sibling rivalry.


The Pre-Contemplation Stage

The pre-contemplation stage is the initial phase of counselling where clients may not be aware of or acknowledge the existence of their problems. In this stage, the client may be resistant to change and may not yet recognize the need for counselling intervention. The counsellor must establish rapport and build trust with the client to facilitate progress and transition to the next stage.

During the pre-contemplation stage, individuals may find themselves grappling with internal conflicts and uncertainties, which can manifest as a lack of readiness to address their issues. This phase is often characterized by a sense of ambivalence, where clients may feel torn between the comfort of familiarity and the potential discomfort of change. Counsellors need to approach clients in this stage with patience and sensitivity, recognizing that readiness to change is a gradual process that requires gentle guidance.

a young woman seeking grief counselling to help deal with her emotions after a loss

The Contemplation Stage

The contemplation stage is characterized by clients’ acknowledgement of their problems and consideration of making changes. In this stage, clients may experience ambivalence and uncertainty about whether to commit to the counselling process. Counsellors must help clients explore their thoughts and feelings regarding change while providing a safe space for them to express their concerns.

During the contemplation stage, individuals often find themselves at a crossroads, grappling with the decision to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. This phase can be both daunting and liberating as clients confront their innermost thoughts and emotions, seeking a path toward healing and transformation.


The Preparation Stage

The preparation stage is a critical phase where clients actively prepare themselves for making changes in their lives. In this stage, clients may set goals, develop action plans, and seek support from counsellors and other resources. Counsellors play a vital role in facilitating clients’ readiness for change and providing them with strategies and tools to overcome obstacles.

In the preparation stage, counsellors assist clients in developing a comprehensive understanding of their challenges and strengths. They help clients explore barriers to change and develop strategies to overcome them. Counsellors also provide psychoeducation about coping mechanisms and offer ongoing support and encouragement to increase clients’ confidence in making positive changes.

psychotherapist speaking with a patient about healthy coping machanisms

The Action Stage

The action stage is where clients actively implement their action plans and make strides towards their goals. In this stage, clients are empowered to apply the skills and strategies they have learned during counselling sessions. Counsellors continue to provide support and guidance to ensure clients’ progress and maintain their momentum.

During the action stage, clients take concrete steps toward change and work toward achieving their identified goals. They may practice new coping strategies, modify unhelpful patterns, and increase their self-awareness. Clients need to recognize their achievements and celebrate their progress, no matter how small. This reinforces their motivation to sustain positive changes.


Understanding the stages of counselling is essential for both counsellors and clients to achieve successful outcomes. By recognizing the unique characteristics and goals of each stage, counsellors can tailor their interventions to address clients’ specific needs and foster positive change. For clients, understanding the counselling process empowers them to actively engage in their own growth and transformation. With cooperation and collaboration, the stages of counselling can be navigated effectively, leading to improved mental health and overall well-being.


Capital Choice Counselling – Expert Psychotherapy and Counselling Services in Ottawa


Are you ready to navigate through the stages of counselling and embark on a journey towards personal growth and well-being? Please contact us at Capital Choice Counselling! With over 40 skilled professionals across Ottawa, including Kanata, Orleans, Nepean, and beyond, we connect you with the right counsellor tailored to your unique needs. Since 2006, we’ve been committed to providing accessible and effective counselling services. Take the first step towards positive change and make an appointment with us today. Your path to improved mental health is just a call or click away.