couple's therapy before marriage

How Couple’s Therapy Can Help Couples Who Are About to Get Married

couple's therapy before marriage


People go through therapy for a variety of reasons – all of which are constructive, but not all are reactive.

The misconception that only people with problems can benefit from seeing a professional therapist is changing. There are forms of therapy available for proactive measures, too. One of the most popular is couple’s therapy, which focuses on improving the relationship between couples. Yes at times couple’s therapy is sought as a reactive measure to relationship issues blowing up. However it’s also a tremendously effective resource for those seeking to become closer to their partner and enjoy a happier, healthier life together.

In this edition of the Capital Choice Counselling blog we’ll explore how couple’s therapy can be of great benefit to a couple who are about to embark on their life journey together.

What Happens in Couple’s Therapy?

This type of therapy involves sessions that can improve the relationship dynamics of the people involved. Any romantic relationship between two people, no matter the type, can benefit from couple’s therapy.

The therapy sessions may sound deceptively simple, but a lot more happens underneath the exchange of words. Some of the things one can expect in couple’s therapy are the following:

  • The discussion of issues: For couple’s therapy to be successful, it’s important to discuss the key issues and air out the grievances of the relationship; holding back is highly discouraged
  • Improving communication between couples: Any hindrances that partners have to communicate properly will be addressed;This can potentially allow a couple to be more open with each other
  • Telling stories: Couple’s therapy usually does not involve rigid sessions where a schedule is strictly followed. Much of the session involves telling stories
  • You can go alone or as a pair: It sometimes helps to go to a therapy session or two alone as opposed to going as a pair

Many other things can happen in couple’s therapy. These usually depend on the situation that the couple is in. The strategy of the counselor also has a significant role in how these therapy sessions will play out.

Voicing out Concerns About the Relationship

couple in therapy seeking pre-marriage counselling

Aside from the things that one can expect, people also have several misconceptions about couple’s therapy. Some of the most notable ones are the following:

    • That couple’s therapy is a magical solution to problems: Just because a couple goes to therapy does not mean that all problems will magically go away; it takes utmost effort on both sides of the equation for everything to work out smoothly
    • That the therapist is a referee: Some couples expect therapists to solve problems for them; while it is true that therapists can mediate arguments, do not expect them to solve problems for you; the effort to resolve and the realization of how to do it must actively come from the couple
    • That the therapist will voice out your concerns for you: Another thing that many people believe is that the therapist will speak to your partner on their behalf; if you need to tell your partner anything, you need to do so yourself, as your therapist will not do it for you


No matter what the purpose is, couple’s therapy can help partners improve their relationship. There are many benefits for both married and unmarried couples.

Benefits of Couple’s Therapy for Couples About to Get Married

Couple’s therapy is not only for married couples. It can also benefit couples that are engaged and about to get married. Here are 8 benefits of couple’s therapy for couples about to get married.

  1. Improves communication between partners

Couple’s therapy involves methods that have been developed to help couples improve their communication. Improper communication is, more often than not, the cause of relationship failure for many people. Making sure that you and your partner can communicate properly even before marriage can have many benefits. For one, it can help reduce the chances of miscommunication later on.

Going to couple’s therapy even when not married can allow partners to gauge each other’s need and potential responses. Being able to know how a person can potentially respond can help improve communication. It also helps prevent problems later on in the relationship.

  1. It helps the couple get to know each other better

couple in therapy seeking pre-marriage counsellingEven couples who have been married for decades still find out new things about each other. Some of these things might even prove to be deal-breakers for a few people. Awareness of these issues prior to marriage can help partners address these issues.

Knowing each other better increases the likelihood that the couple will not be subjected to unpleasant surprises later on. Finding potential deal-breakers early on gives couples a choice on whether to continue a relationship or not. This is ultimately better than the alternative. Most couples that find something they don’t like in a partner later end up having strained relationships.

These things do not always have to be entirely negative. Finding out more things that one likes in a partner will help improve the relationship. This can give couples more reasons to strengthen their bond and serve as an anchor between the two.

  1. The sessions can help couples voice out expectations

Everyone expects something out of a relationship. Not everyone, however, is comfortable with voicing these things out loud. Couple’s therapy provides an avenue for partners to voice out their expectations from the relationship.

New couples or couples that are about to get married can significantly benefit from this. Knowing what they expect from each other can help couples manage expectations. It also allows them to prioritize which responsibilities they should put first regarding the relationship. This helps minimize the problems that many couples face, which is the failure to perform obligations.

  1. Past issues between the couple can be addressed

couple in therapy seeking pre-marriage counselling

One reason why many marriages fail is that past issues fail to be addressed. Properly facing these matters is key to solving them. For the marriage to work, honestly and willingness to solve these problems are necessary.

Even unmarried couples can get benefits out of this. Addressing past issues and problems can help partners move forward. It is better, after all, to solve these issues sooner than later. As cynical as it may sound, it also takes the weight of marriage out of the picture. It may help couples if they know that they are still unburdened with marriage while issues are addressed.

5. Potential problems can be discussed

Couple’s therapy allows partners to know more about each other. This means they’ll be able to foresee what obstacles they may face based on what they already know. Having couple’s therapy will allow them to communicate better about these issues. Therapists can also provide valuable insights into how these issues can affect the couple.

Discussing these potential problems even before marriage can help give couples time to address issues together. Solving these problems is a journey that couples can take together and potentially strengthen their bond.

6. The therapy sessions can help the couple improve their capacity to solve problems together

Solving relationship problems is not an endeavor that can be done by just one person alone. It takes both sides of the relationship to fix issues properly. There is no set formula for how to address these problems. However, building a couple’s confidence and experience in addressing issues early on can definitely help.

Establishing the couple’s confidence and experience even before marriage changes many perspectives. Most notably, it helps the couple know strategies on how to address problems. It also reinforces the thinking that the problems can be solved if done together. Doing these early on, even before marriage, can help the couple address issues or prevent them altogether.

7. It can reinforce positivity

couple in therapy seeking pre-marriage counsellingAs stated earlier, strengthening a couple’s experiences can help improve the relationship in the long run. Couple’s therapy helps strengthen the bonds that a couple has, and this includes positivity. Being able to communicate, solve problems, or voice out issues can help partners think in a positive light. It reinforces the thinking that any obstacle can be overcome with the proper steps.

8. It helps give an outsider’s perspective

Ideally, couples must be able to solve problems through proper communication. However, people will always have differences in opinion. Some couples may find it hard to see eye-to-eye on certain issues. If this is the case, then an outsider’s perspective may help. This perspective must not just come from anyone, however. Therapists can give unbiased opinions that can help couples see what the problems are and work to solve them.

Book a Couple’s Therapy Session with Capital Choice Counselling Today

Capital Choice Counselling has been offering services in the Ottawa area since 2006. Our group has experienced counselors who are highly qualified in facilitating couples therapy. We have a complete roster of therapists that can provide a variety of services. Some of these include career counseling, counseling for disorders, family therapy, and many more.

Contact us today To find out more about couple’s therapy or about our other services. You may also contact us at 1-613-425-4012 for further questions or to make a booking.