psychotherapy session

Psychotherapy vs CBT – What’s the Difference?

In the field of mental health, there are various therapeutic approaches available to help individuals overcome challenges and improve their overall well-being. Two commonly used methods are psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). While both approaches aim to support individuals in managing their mental health, their core principles, treatment processes, and overall effectiveness differ.

Understanding the distinctions between psychotherapy and CBT can assist individuals in making informed decisions about which approach may best suit their needs.

Understanding Psychotherapy

man listening to therapist intently

Psychotherapy is a therapeutic approach that focuses on helping individuals gain insight into their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. It is rooted in the belief that understanding the underlying causes of psychological distress can lead to significant improvements in an individual’s mental health. The core principles of psychotherapy involve creating a safe and trusting therapeutic relationship, exploring unresolved issues, and developing effective coping strategies.

The Core Principles of Psychotherapy

At its core, psychotherapy emphasizes the importance of the therapeutic relationship between the client and the therapist. Establishing a trusting and collaborative partnership allows individuals to express their thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment openly. This safe space facilitates self-reflection, insight, and personal growth. Additionally, psychotherapy focuses on identifying and addressing unconscious patterns and unresolved issues that may be contributing to distress or maladaptive behaviours.

The Process of Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy typically involves regular sessions with a trained therapist. These sessions provide individuals with a dedicated time and space to discuss and explore their concerns. The therapist may employ various techniques and interventions tailored to the individual’s needs. Throughout the therapeutic process, individuals are encouraged to gain insight into their thoughts and behaviours, develop healthier coping strategies, and work towards achieving their therapeutic goals.


Unpacking Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a goal-oriented approach that focuses on addressing the connection between thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. This approach recognizes that our thoughts and beliefs significantly impact our emotions and actions. By identifying and challenging negative or unhelpful thought patterns, individuals can learn to modify their behaviours and improve their overall well-being.

The Fundamentals of CBT

CBT operates on the principle that changing our thoughts can lead to changes in how we feel and behave. In CBT, individuals work collaboratively with the therapist to identify negative or distorted thinking patterns and replace them with more realistic and helpful thoughts. This therapy also emphasizes the importance of behavioural changes to reinforce positive thinking patterns and promote desired outcomes.

The CBT Treatment Process

CBT typically involves structured and time-limited treatment. The therapy sessions are focused and goal-oriented, with individuals actively participating in setting and working towards specific objectives. The therapist helps individuals identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts and behaviours, develop more adaptive coping mechanisms, and implement behavioural strategies to achieve desired outcomes. CBT often involves homework assignments between sessions to practice and reinforce new skills.


Key Differences Between Psychotherapy and CBT

woman in therapy session on phone

While both psychotherapy and CBT are effective approaches to mental health treatment, there are significant differences between the two. These distinctions may impact an individual’s decision regarding which approach is most suitable for their needs.

Understanding these differences can help individuals make an informed choice about the type of therapy that aligns best with their preferences and goals for treatment.

Approach to Mental Health

The primary difference between psychotherapy and CBT lies in their approach to mental health. Psychotherapy emphasizes gaining insight into the underlying causes of distress and exploring deep-rooted patterns, while CBT focuses on changing thoughts and behaviours in the present moment, with less emphasis on historical factors.

Psychotherapy often involves a more exploratory and reflective process, delving into past experiences and relationships to understand how they influence current thoughts and behaviours. In contrast, CBT is action-oriented, focusing on identifying and modifying specific patterns of thinking and behaviour that contribute to distress.

Duration and Frequency of Sessions

Another difference is the duration and frequency of therapy sessions. Psychotherapy often involves longer-term treatment, with sessions scheduled weekly. This extended duration allows for a deeper exploration of underlying issues and patterns. In contrast, CBT tends to be more structured and time-limited, with therapy sessions typically occurring on a bi-weekly basis. The structured nature of CBT can be beneficial for individuals seeking a more focused and goal-oriented approach to treatment.

Therapist’s Role in Treatment

Additionally, the role of the therapist differs between psychotherapy and CBT. In psychotherapy, the therapist often provides guidance and interpretation as individuals explore their experiences and emotions. The therapeutic relationship is central to the process, with the therapist offering support and insight to facilitate self-discovery and growth. In CBT, the therapist takes a more direct and instructive role, providing specific strategies and teaching individuals new skills to manage their thoughts and behaviours. This structured approach can be empowering for individuals looking for practical tools to address their mental health challenges.


Choosing Between Psychotherapy and CBT

Deciding between psychotherapy and CBT requires careful consideration of personal preferences, treatment goals, and the nature of the presenting concerns. Consulting with a mental health professional can help individuals make an informed decision about which therapeutic approach is most appropriate for their unique circumstances.

Factors to Consider

When choosing between psychotherapy and CBT, factors such as personal history, treatment objectives, and the severity of symptoms should be taken into account. Psychotherapy may be more suitable for individuals seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and their experiences, while CBT may be preferable for those seeking specific strategies to address immediate challenges.

Effectiveness for Different Conditions

It is also essential to consider the effectiveness of each approach for specific mental health conditions. Psychotherapy is effective in treating a wide range of mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and trauma-related conditions. CBT, on the other hand, has demonstrated efficacy in treating conditions like phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and certain eating disorders.

Personal Preferences and Comfort

Ultimately, personal preferences and comfort play a significant role in the therapeutic process. Some individuals may feel more drawn to a particular approach based on their values, beliefs, or prior experiences. It is essential to choose a therapeutic approach that resonates with the individual and promotes a sense of trust and rapport with the therapist.


While psychotherapy and CBT share the goal of promoting mental well-being, they differ in their core principles, treatment processes, and overall effectiveness. Both approaches offer valuable tools for individuals seeking support in managing their mental health. Understanding the distinctions between psychotherapy and CBT can empower individuals to make informed decisions about which approach aligns best with their unique needs and treatment goals.


Capital Choice Counselling – Expert Psychotherapy and Counselling Services in Ottawa

Are you considering taking the next step toward mental well-being and looking for a therapy approach that suits your unique needs? Please contact us at Capital Choice Counselling! With over 40 registered psychotherapists, psychologists, social workers, and counsellors, we offer a diverse range of services across Ottawa, including Kanata, Orleans, Nepean, and beyond. Since 2006, we’ve been committed to connecting you with the right counsellor to support your journey to improved mental health. Don’t hesitate to reach out and make an appointment with one of our caring professionals today. Let us help you navigate the differences between psychotherapy and CBT to find the best fit for you.