
Ottawa Marriage Counselling

Common Problems for Empty Nesters

Moving the last child out of the house is a difficult day, for some one of the most difficult days in all of parenthood. Your child is embarking on the first day of their life as a fully-independent adult, embarking towards a horizon of possibilities, the first day of their own life. Their excitement is…


Give Your Relationship Life With Ottawa Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy – The Truth About Romance Our extensive experience in couples therapy has given us the impression that Love and Marriage is too romanticized for its own good. Popular culture creates a set of values and ideals that we apply to our conception of what love and marriage are supposed to be that are…

8 Ways To Ensure A Happy Marriage

After the stomach butterflies have fluttered and the warm, hazy, puppy-love stage fades, many relationships hit a rough patch. Relationship struggles don’t come with a warning, and even after years of companionship, issues can surface.  Just because the honeymoon phase has ended, doesn’t mean a happy marriage is impossible; it means it’s time to learn and…

pick your battles

12 Vital Questions You Need To Ask Your Partner Before Marriage

Marriage is a big deal. It’s messy, confusing, and complex. It’s two people who have decided to smash their lives together. For better or for worse. Which is why getting to know your partner as much as possible before getting married is a really good idea. Consider it, doing your research, your due diligence even.…

10 Ways To Get Your Partner To Counselling

You already know that couples counselling isn’t just for those couples who are on the brink of separation. It’s for all couples! But it’s possible that your partner doesn’t know this. For whatever reason, our society has been slow to pick up on the fact that couples therapy and relationship disasters are not mutually exclusive.…

9 Signs Your Relationship Would Benefit From Couples Counselling

Your relationship is important to you, and you know that the health of your relationship has a trickle-down effect on your entire life! The purpose of couples counselling is to provide you with the skills and techniques you need to help your relationship not just survive, but thrive. Even during a rough patch. But how…

The Dance of Pursue and Flee in Couple Relationships

Towards the end of a session with a couple, my female client asked “Why is it difficult for some things to change?” She, of course, was referring to her husband’s behaviour, specifically in regards to the fact that he often seemed to choose going out with his friends over spending time with her. This concern had indeed been…

Couple Holding Hands

19 Statistically Proven Facts About Healthy Relationships

  Chances are you already know that a healthy relationship takes a lot of work. It can be an all consuming effort. From the original attraction to everything that follows, cultivating a healthy relationship takes time and attention. While defining a universal “healthy relationship” is downright impossible, there are similarities that can be drawn. Read…

Ottawa couples counselling helps

Helping Blended Families Become One

In today’s society, nuclear families are no longer the norm. Chances are, you or someone you know is a part of a blended family. Whether that means a re-marriage through divorce, or the death of a spouse, forming new family connections can be a tricky thing to do. Couples counselling, or marriage therapy is a…