Cognitive Therapy

patient has successful therapy session with CBT

How Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Change Your Life?

Mental health awareness has become a priority for many people nowadays. Psychotherapy has been used time and time again to address any mental health issues that people may have. Psychotherapy aims to improve the well-being of the patient and involves many different methods. These methods have different focuses and vary in terms of what they…

young man at therapist with anxiety

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – CBT for Anxiety

As human beings, we’re bound to feel stress at some point in our lives. The feeling of fear and apprehension surrounding an upcoming event, whether it’s a job interview or a social event, is normal when it doesn’t interfere with your daily activities. Anxiety disorders can cause people to try and avoid situations that may…

individual in counselling with intern ottawa

The Benefits of Counselling with Intern Counsellors

Are you looking for affordable counselling in the Ottawa area? Capital Choice Counselling Group will be welcoming Intern Counsellors to join the local Ottawa network.  Our intern counsellors are supervised by registered psychotherapists and psychologists to ensure clients are still receiving the best counselling they can get in Ottawa.  At Capital Choice Counselling, we have…

woman on couch in online therapy session

How Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Can Make a Difference in Your Life

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one of the most popular and successful mental health treatment methods nowadays. It involves identifying problematic thoughts and behaviours and modifying them for the better. Is CBT right for you? How does it work? That’s what we will explore in this issue of the Capital Choice Counselling blog. What Happens…

woman home alone during covid pandemic

Coping With COVID-19-Related Stress and Anxiety

Events coupled with fear and uncertainty tend to affect our mental and emotional health in a big way. The COVID-19 pandemic certainly fulfills the category of fear and uncertainty in spades. All aspects of life are affected, which can cause a great deal of anxiety for everyone involved. Mental Health Amidst the Pandemic The COVID-19…

a therapist explaining the difference between traditional psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy

Traditional Psychotherapy vs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Are you looking for psychotherapy or counselling in Ottawa? Do you find yourself in the midst of a lengthy & time-consuming process, researching different types of therapy as well as therapists and counsellors in Ottawa? Have you ever heard of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy? Also known as “CBT,” cognitive therapy is a modern method of counselling…

happy woman after therapy session

The Benefits of Therapy & Counselling in Kanata

Are you considering therapy or counselling in Kanata? From everyday stress and general frustration to specific mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety, Kanata counselling is a highly effective way of sorting through one’s issues. Is counselling in Kanata right for you? Let’s take a look at some of the many benefits to find…

man struggles with mental health challenges

Coping with Mental Health in the COVID-19 Era of Uncertainty

Are you struggling with the uncertainty and instability of the COVID-19 era? If so, you are not alone. Many people in Ottawa, across Canada and around the world are having a difficult time adjusting to this “new normal” (though we are really not comfortable with this term!). Let’s take a closer look at some of…

woman at therapist's office in session

Cognitive Therapy in 2020: A Life Hack for Feeling Better

Looking for life hacks? A lot of us these days are constantly tuning in to life hacks, a series of actions to take that will ostensibly make our lives easier. The stresses we face can take a toll on our well-being. Stressors are present no matter where you are. xxx If you think that these…

patient in cognitive therapy session

Is Cognitive Therapy a Shortcut to Well Being?

A person’s thoughts do not just spring out of nowhere. Similarly, a person’s actions are rarely done for no reason at all. People’s thoughts, emotions, and actions are all interconnected. What affects one of these aspects can also affect others. Think of it as a domino effect. What if one aspect brings about harmful changes…