
family therapy session to help with family dynamics to improve teen mental health

Teen Mental Health: Family Dynamics & Mixed Messages

The image of the “perfect” family we often witness on TV is far from reality. All parents want to see their children succeed and live a long, healthy life. However, life’s challenges may come in the way and disrupt your plans. Most of the time, these difficulties are unavoidable, while others may be the result…

lady alone at a therapy session talking with a counsellor

Couple or Family Counselling – When One Person Comes

Family is the most important emotional system we have, it helps shape who we are and determines the course of our lives. Family counselling aims to address psychological, emotional, and behavioural issues that can cause problems within the family. The “ who, what, when, where, and how” of family patterns and themes are emphasized instead…

Internet Addiction: Effects On The Brain, Signs, & The Risks

The use of technology and the internet has been ingrained into our society, drastically changing the way we live our lives. People nowadays rely on the internet for just about anything, including work, socializing, shopping, music, and homework. It can be difficult to determine whether or not you have an internet addiction, as going online…

How and When To Talk To Your Teenager About Substance Use

Many countries around the world, including Canada, have noticed a spike in substance abuse over the last few years. Whether these drugs are being used for social reasons, as a way to fit in and socialize with their friends, or as a way to cope with life’s stressors, the amount of teenage substance abuse has…

man experiencing grief mourning

Grief During the Pandemic: How Remote Counselling Can Help

Dealing with grief is, and always will be, among the most difficult experiences that people can go through. Even the most resilient individuals and the strongest minds can become crippled by grief. If left unchecked, the feelings of loss, regret, hopelessness, and longing can become too overwhelming. It can lead to a whole host of…

couple in therapy session

Ottawa Marriage Counselling Ideas & Benefits for 2021

Even if it’s to the right person, marriage can sometimes be difficult. The past year has been especially challenging for many, with the pandemic affecting married life significantly. In coping with the challenging times, some couples need more help than others, which is nothing to be ashamed of. Marriage counselling, in particular, is an effective…

woman home alone during covid pandemic

Coping With COVID-19-Related Stress and Anxiety

Events coupled with fear and uncertainty tend to affect our mental and emotional health in a big way. The COVID-19 pandemic certainly fulfills the category of fear and uncertainty in spades. All aspects of life are affected, which can cause a great deal of anxiety for everyone involved. Mental Health Amidst the Pandemic The COVID-19…

couple in remote therapy

Couples Therapy: Remote Counselling Now Available

Couples therapy can help strengthen you and your partner’s relationship. This counselling will help you understand relationship patterns, communication problems, and personality differences. Unfortunately, with the unique situation we are in, attending sessions now has become a challenge. Social distancing is highly recommended to prevent the increase of positive COVID-19 cases. To ensure we abide…

bipolar woman experiencing emotional swing

Living with Bipolar Disorder: Hopes & Expectations

Have you been diagnosed with bipolar disorder? If you or someone you love is bipolar, you know all too well the challenges of day to day life with this frustrating and potentially debilitating condition of mental health. It’s possible, however, that you’re reading this article because you did a Google search on “bipolar disorder” and…