Counsellor's Advice Blog

Husband & Wife working to improve marriage

10 Small Changes That Can Improve the Quality of Your Marriage

Enhancing a marriage doesn’t generally require an enormous intervention. Rather, changing minimal day by day propensities can have a major effect on the way you feel about your marriage and in particular, how you behave toward your life partner. Regardless of whether you need to keep your marriage healthy or you want to reignite a…

Successful ottawa man contemplates why he is depressed

Highly Successful People Are at Higher Risk for Depression

One of the largest myths about depression is that it escapes the lives of successful people, that only people who are poor or come from tough upbringings are prone to depression. In fact, studies show that highly successful individuals such as CEOs may be depressed at more than double the rate of the average population…

Man on dock searches for answers to his depression

“Do I Have Depression?” Searching for Answers to Depression in Ottawa

“Do I have depression?” That’s a common search phrase on Google. More and more these days, as awareness of depression is on the increase, people who are afflicted with or experiencing symptoms of depression are taking proactive steps to seek diagnosis and treatment. What are the symptoms of depression? How is depression diagnosed? Is depression…

Mother neglects her child in favour of social media

How Social Media Could Be Ruining Your Life – And How to Fix It!

Does your life seem boring, miserable or unfulfilling? We’ve got the solution! But wait, you say, how could you possibly have the solution right here in this mental health article? How could it be that easy? Okay, granted, we’re not touting this as the key to eternal happiness. It’s not a “quick fix” to make…

counsellor and client work through Cognitive behavioural therapy session

Cognitive Therapy: How a Handful of Sessions Could Change Your Life

Wondering what cognitive therapy is all about? Perhaps your GP or other doctor referred you to a cognitive therapist? Or maybe you’ve tried other forms of therapy and haven’t found success? Whatever brought you to this search, we’re happy to answer your questions about cognitive therapy. Let’s explore what it is, what it isn’t, how…

man climbs the steps towards his career potential ottawa

How Can Career Counselling in Ottawa Help Ignite Your Work Potential?

When someone says, “Career Counselling,” do your thoughts immediately veer towards a high school guidance counsellor asking what you want to do with your life? Or perhaps a tiny office in a government-sponsored program for the unemployed? That’s understandable. The concept of career counselling extends across a pretty broad range of services and providers, and…

Ottawa psychologist leads group counselling session

Personality Disorders in Greater Detail (Part 2 of 2)

In our previous article, Part One on Personality Disorders, we gave an overview of personality disorders, then focused on one of the more common ones: Borderline Personality Disorder. This article will cover some of the other personality disorders, specifically: Narcissistic Personality Disorder Avoidant Personality Disorder Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Before diving into those specific conditions,…