Counsellor's Advice Blog

happy woman starting a new day after successful counselling

Personality Disorders: Borderline and Beyond (Part 1 of 2)

What are personality disorders? Are these just ‘faults’ or ‘flaws’ in someone’s personality? And, if personality is something that’s largely formed by the time we’re adults, does this mean that personality disorders can’t be treated? You may have heard of borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) or many others in the category.…

Ottawa counselling for french and english speakers

Nous Sommes Donc Fiers d’offrir des Services de Counselling en Français / CCCG Offers Multilingual Services

(English follows below) La santé mentale peut être source de bien des défis, même sans y ajouter les frustrations d’une communication entravée par des facteurs linguistiques. Chez Capital Choice Counselling, nous sommes très conscients de ces défis, et c’est pour nous une priorité de compter parmi nos conseillères et conseillers des personnes qui maîtrisent les…

happy couple stands together on valentines day

We are Wired for Love: Happy Valentine’s Day

Each of us, as individual people, lovers, and parents, are wired for love! This article will summarize two excellent books that are a must read for people who want to become better lovers: Martin Rovers, Healing the Wounds in Couple Relationships (Kindle Books), and Stan Tatkin, Wired for Love. When we work hard to understand…

Empty list of 2018 goals for the new year

A New Year’s Resolution for Better Mental Health

New year’s resolutions. We’ve all made them. We’ve all broken them. Sometimes we wonder, “why do I even bother?” Understand that, like many things in life that don’t often pan out, new year’s resolutions are made with the best intentions. But good intentions aren’t enough. In fact, intentions alone, without a plan that’s followed through…

Couple combats low moods in winter with exercise

Combating Time Change and Less Daylight in the Fall & Winter

It happens every year. Twice a year in fact. Once going forward, and once going backward. Just an hour, one hour out of 168 in the week. And yet that hour can have a tremendous impact. It’s more than the hour, of course, more than the sudden shift in time, but also a gradual shift…

Man in need of counselling can't control anger towards technology

Anger: How to Recognize It, and How to Make it Work for You

How is anger sabotaging your life? Is there anything positive or helpful about anger? And how can you work through anger to live a better life? We’ve all experienced anger at one point or another. Among the anger-prone, some people show it more overtly, while others let anger fester under the surface. Others, meanwhile, seem…

couple on beach connect during vacation

Travel: Relationship Stress Test? Or Relationship Accelerator?

Travel brings many benefits for our emotional and mental well-being. It can make us feel happier and more relaxed; reduce burnout and give us renewed vigor when we return to work; and also has associated physical health benefits including weigh loss (assuming you’re moving around and not more-than-making up for it with added eating!) and…

Woman shocked by bad news from her phone

Tuning Out from Bad News

Do you find yourself down, distressed or depressed after watching or reading the news? If so, you’re not alone. More and more, as we’ve become inundated with information, we’re presented with news and current events that are difficult to process. Fires, hurricanes, earthquakes, floods… and those are just the natural disasters! Add to that a…