Counsellor's Advice Blog

LGTBQ Counselling Ottawa

How Ottawa LGBTQ Counselling Can Help

So new to the public stage, the LGBTQ community does not have the advantage of established cultural narratives to lean on for help answering life’s tough questions. The unique problems they face have never been faced before, and so they are forced to solve these problems without the benefit of guidance from those who have faced…

Anxiety Reduction Ottawa

Dealing With Anxiety

Anxiety effects us all differently, but to some, it can be consistently overwhelming. Maybe the circumstances of your life are coming together to deal you a tough time you need help dealing with. Maybe the circumstances of your life don’t warrant the feelings of anxiety you’re experiencing, but you’re feeling them anyways. Regardless of your…

Workplace Counselling Ottawa

What is Workplace Counselling & How Can It Help Your Business

Workplace environments often assail us with stress on all sides such that we experience anxiety for 40 hours a week, year in and year out. At the same time, we are expected to project calm and assured professionalism constantly. Being honest about legitimate problems in a professional context can be considered a sign of weakness…

Ottawa Marriage Counselling

Common Problems for Empty Nesters

Moving the last child out of the house is a difficult day, for some one of the most difficult days in all of parenthood. Your child is embarking on the first day of their life as a fully-independent adult, embarking towards a horizon of possibilities, the first day of their own life. Their excitement is…


Give Your Relationship Life With Ottawa Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy – The Truth About Romance Our extensive experience in couples therapy has given us the impression that Love and Marriage is too romanticized for its own good. Popular culture creates a set of values and ideals that we apply to our conception of what love and marriage are supposed to be that are…


How Ottawa Group Therapy Can Help

Group Therapy – Common Misunderstandings The Ottawa public at large generally has a few fundamental misunderstandings towards the process of group therapy with respect to how it works, who it is for, and its benefits. Because of this hundreds of Ottawa citizens, whose lives could be substantially improved with group therapy, go without and suffer…


Career Counselling For New Ottawa Graduates

Career Counselling – The Job Market When the average entry-level position requires a university degree and half a decade of experience for a wage that pays well below the poverty line, finding a job that balances your financial needs and provides fulfillment seems like a laughably idealistic goal. While laughable, it’s hard not to feel…