Counsellor's Advice Blog

woman on couch in online therapy session

How Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Can Make a Difference in Your Life

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one of the most popular and successful mental health treatment methods nowadays. It involves identifying problematic thoughts and behaviours and modifying them for the better. Is CBT right for you? How does it work? That’s what we will explore in this issue of the Capital Choice Counselling blog. What Happens…

online counselling session

Lockdowns and Mental Health: How are Our Brains Affected?

Canada has experienced multiple lockdowns because of the global pandemic. While this is for everyone’s benefit, the mental health of many is negatively affected by COVID isolation. This leads to a cascade of effects that can affect different aspects of a person’s life. Many people seem to believe that it’s not as important as physical…

man experiencing grief mourning

Grief During the Pandemic: How Remote Counselling Can Help

Dealing with grief is, and always will be, among the most difficult experiences that people can go through. Even the most resilient individuals and the strongest minds can become crippled by grief. If left unchecked, the feelings of loss, regret, hopelessness, and longing can become too overwhelming. It can lead to a whole host of…

happiness counselling session

The Benefits of Remote Therapy & Online Counselling

Even before the COVID-19 global pandemic began, many counsellors had already started to practice online counselling and remote therapy. This involves the use of online platforms like FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom to provide therapy from afar. With the pandemic, however, remote therapy has become more useful than ever before. However, some people seem to believe…

couple in therapy session

Ottawa Marriage Counselling Ideas & Benefits for 2021

Even if it’s to the right person, marriage can sometimes be difficult. The past year has been especially challenging for many, with the pandemic affecting married life significantly. In coping with the challenging times, some couples need more help than others, which is nothing to be ashamed of. Marriage counselling, in particular, is an effective…

woman home alone during covid pandemic

Coping With COVID-19-Related Stress and Anxiety

Events coupled with fear and uncertainty tend to affect our mental and emotional health in a big way. The COVID-19 pandemic certainly fulfills the category of fear and uncertainty in spades. All aspects of life are affected, which can cause a great deal of anxiety for everyone involved. Mental Health Amidst the Pandemic The COVID-19…

couple in remote therapy

Couples Therapy: Remote Counselling Now Available

Couples therapy can help strengthen you and your partner’s relationship. This counselling will help you understand relationship patterns, communication problems, and personality differences. Unfortunately, with the unique situation we are in, attending sessions now has become a challenge. Social distancing is highly recommended to prevent the increase of positive COVID-19 cases. To ensure we abide…

bipolar woman experiencing emotional swing

Living with Bipolar Disorder: Hopes & Expectations

Have you been diagnosed with bipolar disorder? If you or someone you love is bipolar, you know all too well the challenges of day to day life with this frustrating and potentially debilitating condition of mental health. It’s possible, however, that you’re reading this article because you did a Google search on “bipolar disorder” and…

woman is worried stressed

Counselling in Ottawa & Beyond: Mental Health Matters in the COVID-19 Era

While a global pandemic has captured the headlines and much of our top-of-mind real estate over the past several months, that doesn’t mean that other life challenges have somehow gone away. In fact, in the case of mental health, the COVID-19 “coronavirus” pandemic has caused a domino effect when it comes to issues such as…

a therapist explaining the difference between traditional psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy

Traditional Psychotherapy vs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Are you looking for psychotherapy or counselling in Ottawa? Do you find yourself in the midst of a lengthy & time-consuming process, researching different types of therapy as well as therapists and counsellors in Ottawa? Have you ever heard of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy? Also known as “CBT,” cognitive therapy is a modern method of counselling…