Counsellor's Advice Blog

happy woman after therapy session

The Benefits of Therapy & Counselling in Kanata

Are you considering therapy or counselling in Kanata? From everyday stress and general frustration to specific mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety, Kanata counselling is a highly effective way of sorting through one’s issues. Is counselling in Kanata right for you? Let’s take a look at some of the many benefits to find…

man struggles with mental health challenges

Coping with Mental Health in the COVID-19 Era of Uncertainty

Are you struggling with the uncertainty and instability of the COVID-19 era? If so, you are not alone. Many people in Ottawa, across Canada and around the world are having a difficult time adjusting to this “new normal” (though we are really not comfortable with this term!). Let’s take a closer look at some of…

teenage girls at school

The Many Benefits of Teen Counselling

There are many reasons teens go to counselling or therapy. For some it’s the stress of teenage life, a combination of the realities of the world looming larger, on top of hormonal changes in what can be a very awkward, frustrating and challenging time of transition. For other teens, the aforementioned challenges are compounded by…

woman in therapy session on laptop

COVID-19 & E-Counselling in Ottawa

The world around us seems to have changed overnight. COVID-19 has brought with it a new era, what people keep calling “The New Normal.” Well, there’s not much really “normal” about it all is, is there? The unsettling and the uncertainty have most of us feeling uprooted – in some way or another. “We’re all…

5 Ways to Cope with Postpartum Depression

  Postpartum depression is a psychological condition that affects many mothers that have just given birth. People usually associate these with the baby blues. Some new mothers, however, may experience postpartum depression, a condition similar to baby blues in a very extreme way. Symptoms and Impact of Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression is more than just…

man lying on couch in therapy

E-Counselling: Remote Therapy & Counselling in the COVID-19 Era

Are you experiencing heightened emotions such as anxiety or depression? If so, you are not alone. The current COVID-19 or coronavirus pandemic has forced all of us to shift our paradigms practically overnight. For many, this change has caused feelings of unease. For some, this has been a ‘tipping point,’ pushing us seemingly over the…

stressed mother on sofa as kids play

Coping with Mental Health Issues in the COVID-19 Era

Do you find yourself increasingly anxious or depressed? Has this new world of COVID-19 seemingly overwhelmed your life, leaving you filled with stress, anxiety and/or other emotions that have made it difficult to get through each day? Are you unsure of what to do next, and how to get through it all? You’re not alone…

patient in counselling

How to Choose an Anxiety Therapist

Therapy and counselling sessions can bring a lot of benefits. Among the most common types of mental and emotional health issues we see are anxiety disorders, which affect millions of people worldwide. Canada is no exception to this. Anxiety Disorders There are many types of anxiety disorders that people regularly deal with. In the worst cases,…